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Open Tuesday to Sunday | 11am to 5pm
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In Ferengi, interdisciplinary artist Dienke Groenhout (1973) presents clothing as an extension of our body. A body is never neutral. It evokes prejudice, it exposes power relations and shows culture. Through clothing, this context can be transformed. Clothing conceals and reveals our true identity.

Inspired by her travels in Africa, where she, as a Ferengi (a stranger), had an identity thrust upon her, Groenhout designs exuberant costumes in order to compose her own identity. In collaboration with Valerie Asiimwe Amani (Tanzania), Tamrat Gezahegne (Ethiopia) and Gígja Reynisdóttir (Iceland), Groenhout takes this idea to the extreme. How is the stranger approached when he can determine and propagate his own context?

This exhibition has been made possible by Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Gelderland.

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